A party! 60 years is a big deal in any relationship or organization! We’ve recently lost— during Covid—the last two founding members of our Society, names many if not most of you would recognize! They—and so many other volunteers over the years—deserve at least a round of applause and a toast on the occasion. Stories! Our museum collection is an asset for Jasper and a credit to both our community and our staff who are responsible, respectively, for providing and curating the images and documentary evidence of these stories. We encourage you to share your stories so they might be added to our collective history. Membership! We feel the future of our museum and its success is grounded in a healthy Society and a vibrant and committed membership. Providing participants with a membership is an opportunity to leverage these goals. Hopefully, people will see the value and become long-term contributors to the organization. Initiatives we are pursuing—and which we hope will generate excitement and further support—includes renovating or building a new museum and archives.
Summer Hours (May 19 – Mid October):
Open Daily : 10 am – 5 pm
Winter Hours (Mid October – Mid May):
Open Thursday – Sunday : 10 am – 5 pm
We respectfully acknowledge that Jasper National Park is located in Treaty 6 and 8 as well as the traditional lands of the Anishinabe, Aseniwuche Winewak, Dene-zaa, Nêhiyawak, Secwépemc, Stoney Nakoda, Mountain Métis and Métis. We acknowledge the past, present, and future generations of these nations who continue to steward the land.
We here at The Jasper-Yellowhead Historical Society gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Alberta Museums Association in funding the Collection Deaccession and Storage Reorganization project.